Blog Integration

Unknown to many (that’s a joke son), I actually have another blog dedicated to table top gaming, which has been even MORE neglected than this one.

While it never amounted to much of a “plan” my intention was make a division between my serious stuff here and my fun stuff over there. I’ve been doing a little more gaming lately and I would like to start making blog posts about my favorite hobby. I also have a day job in tech, and the idea of having a tech oriented blog for career development purposes has been increasingly tempting.

But this presents a problem: split focus. It’s challenging enough to keep up on one blog, let alone three (or more). So, to that end, I’m going to consolidated into one blog to rule them all. I’ll be sorry to abandon the fun titles for this one and for my gaming blog, but hey, in writing you have to kill your darlings.

So this presents a new problem, namely, what should I call the new blog. I’m tempted just to use my real name. This simplifies things, and the commonality gathering all my interests together is… well… me. On the other hand, there are some downsides to that. First, it might cause me to self-edit, since my blog is readily searchable by prospective employers. Second, it doesn’t really communicate a theme. I could also just keep this name, “GreatNoonTide” has a certain ring to it, and I already own the domain. Hmm… decisions, decisions.

Frequency Update

Good morning internet, and happy Monday (with various definitions of “happy” implied). This will just be a short update on my posting frequency. Last week I said that I planned on doing some work here every weekday, Monday through Friday. That still stands, but I wanted to clarify how often I believe I’ll have an actual post published. For the sake for my own sanity, I’m going to aim for a new published post every Wednesday. I’d like to post more often, but many of the topics I want to tackle require more than an hour and a half stream of conscious rant while I finish my morning coffee. Also, I have other goals that require “extra-curricular” work, and my free hours are limited these days. If once a week goes smoothly I’ll try to branch out from there.

As a preview of coming attractions, I have three posts in the works:

#1 My in depth analysis of the Philosophy of Josiah Royce. This will probably be a multi-part series of posts and is minimally a month out.

#2 An explanation of the “Slipcase” note taking method, subtitled “Why it’s taking me so damn long to finish proposed blog post #1”

#3 Why I hate hipster-ism.

Also, more pretentious philosophical ramblings, as per usual.

You’re welcome,

– B